Meet Izy–developing art for a new Flashcard

Every once in a while we get to work with an artist who is creating an illustration of a new character. This is a collaborative process involving the artist, the author, Thinking Ink, and a graphic designer. It’s fun and exciting to see a character come to life in this way.

Here’s a sneak peak at the initial sketch by Ivreese Tong for the character Izy from The Hereafter Bytes by Vincent Scott. This sketch will become a full color illustration to go with a flash fiction story from Vincent that we’ll be publishing on a postcard. That’s our Flashcard format—flash fiction paired with art on a postcard that you can send in the mail.

This project started out as a stretch reward for our Kickstarter backers, but it’s turning out so well, that after the backers get their rewards, we’re going to keep stocking postcards and they’ll be available for purchase.