The place: The war-torn, ecologically devastated Earth.
The objective: Survive.
Sixteen-year-old Drusilla Zhao has done the impossible and escaped the meat grinder of space warfare alive. But Earth is far more dangerous than she imagined, and now she and her only remaining comrade, Jillian, are about to be rotated right back into the firing line and away from Dru’s love, Sarah.
Shattered Sky by David Colby continues the Lunar Cycle sci-fi trilogy that began with Debris Dreams. Publishers Weekly says Debris Dreams is “appealingly reminiscent of an updated Heinlein juvenile, it’s a story of wartime bravery, principles and self-sacrifice.”
Advance review copies of Shattered Sky are now available. If you’re interested in reviewing Debris Dreams, Shattered Sky, or both, please use the form below to let us know.